Ein blauer Farbklecks auf weißem Hintergrund.

What – if KISD? Making for Seeing

Unsere Projektleiterin Dorsa, Masterstudentin an der KiSD, möchte mithilfe von Methoden aus dem Integrated Design Werkzeuge erarbeiten, um mehr junge Menschen dazu zu motivieren, an Design-Hochschulen zu studieren. Aber lest selbst in ihrer Einladung zu ihrem Online-Workshop am 2. Juni 2020:

Dear young people, you are invited to the online workshop „Making for Seeing.“ In this online session, we will co-create a set of tools that will enable us to see our world from a more critical and creative perspective, like changemakers!

What you need to bring: a smartphone (besides the device you use for joining our Zoom room), some colourful paper, tape and glue, scissor!

More information is coming! Participation in this workshop is free and will take place online at Zoom! It will be a hands-on and playful session!

Registration deadline 29.05. 20. Limited places are available! Apply now via email: dorsa.javaherian@gmail.com

I’m always happy to answer your questions.

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